Big Project? We Can Help!
UIUC Hydro Lab and Smart Bridge
“A groundbreaking ceremony held on Saturday, March 30, 2019, marked the beginning of construction for a new building addition to the Hydrosystems Laboratory, of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). The laboratory will be expanded and modernized over the next two years in a $12 million project.
“The addition will contain more than 51,000 square feet , an increase of 125%, for classrooms, laboratory, collaboration space and offices. The project also includes a “Smart Bridge,” a suspension bridge connecting the Hydrosystems Laboratory addition to the Newmark Civil Engineering Laboratory across the street.” (Story and image credit to University of Illinois – Urbana-Champaign website.)
Steve Elger, General Superintendent, and Wes Diefendorf, Forming Superintendent, with Williams Brothers, needed to develop a scheme that would accomplish building two cores and four buttresses for the Smart Bridge. The project was complicated by the close proximity of the sheet piling for the excavation and portions of the core being adjacent to the existing building.
In all, over 5,000 square feet of formwork, 22 rollback frames and 7 swing platforms were supplied by the CCS Form Rental yard.
The Form Rental brochure highlights all the options.
Contact your CCS representative or one of our six locations for form rental options.